Explore the joy and depth of intimacy.

Are you in a relationship or some kind of love-explorationship, ready to bring passionate and deeply connected intimacy into your life? Or are you ready to become your own best lover and welcome deeply nourishing, passionate intimacy in all aspects of your life?

Yes it exists. True connection. Pleasure. Deep love. Passion. Beyond this world love making.

Sometimes we just need to break through the comfortable. To explore new ways. Because we just know deep down there is more to life.

I invite you to experience how intimacy can be a portal to deeper love, connection, healing and pure joy. How being intimate with life allows you to live your true essence and potential. So you can remember how to live, love and express yourself in full authenticity.

Ultimately healing and transforming all of your relationships, seeing them as the sacred mirrors that they are.

Through a 3, 6 or 12 month Deep Intimacy Journey for individuals or a Deep Lover Journey for couples.

Do you long for deeper intimacy, love and passion? With yourself, in life and in your relationships?

I welcome you to go on a journey to become intimate with yourself and all that is alive. To experience a deep connection with yourself, your loved one and life.

How I work

In my offerings I use a combination of ancient Tantric practices & rituals, energetic healing (Reiki & Dharma Shamanic Healing), bodywork, guided somatic healing journeys, inner voice dialogue, breathwork and sound medicine. Through individual or couples journeys, you are intuitively guided to connect deeply with yourself, your partner or your love-explorationship.

In a conversation with your body & soul’s consciousness, we go on an inner journey to explore what your true longings are in intimacy - what is blocking you from experiencing this - and welcome deep healing, connection, truth and passion.

For you to remember your essence of love - and connect with the joy of being alive.

“I am usually quite skeptical but I trusted Sophie immediately and could fully surrender and relax during the sessions. On this journey, I was able to connect with and free myself from traumatic experiences. Sophie was like an intuitive guide who made me feel safe to experience what was playing under the surface. By moving through certain emotions I could feel my energy flowing again, it was a true inspiration. I left with a sense of aliveness and a deep connection to the earth and myself.

— Fay